Login using your school email address
(@axxell.fi / @edu.novia.fi)
1. The Institut where the register is used in
Aboa Mare, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21, 20100 Turku
2. Contact person for the register, liable for the persona linformation on the register.
Sannikka Björklund, sannikka.bjorklund@aboamare.fi, 050-3723217, Onboard training & Quality Coordinator
3. Name of the register
Onboard training portal for students in Aboa Mare
4. The lawful use of the personnel information, following GDPR rules
-Persons approval. The student her/himself enters the data in to the portal, both person dataa and sailing history.
-Contract.The portal is used to generate the contracts needed for the onboard training periods. The contract is shared to the student, the school, the vessel and the shipping company.
-Authorities. Via the portal the certificates are written concerning the students sailing data, in order to apply for certificate of competence from the Finnish authorities. From theportal some statistic is also sent to the authorities conserning students training abroad.
5. The data in the register
The data entered in to the register: name of the person, date of birth, telefone number, address, email address, date or the seaman health certificate, passport number, different certificates,the class in the school, the dates in training, data about the vessel where the training was made.
6. Source of information in theportal
Once the student is entered to the register, the coordinator feeds in students, name, email address and birthdate. All of the other data is fed by the students themself.The onboard training coordinator has the right to correct some data in case it is found to be incorrect, or in case it needs to be formed to a more applicable form for the program, but she/he has no right to change the content of the data.
7. Sharing of the Data
The data from theportal is shared to the students her/himself in form of different certificates. Once a contract for the training is done, some data is shared to the shipping company and the vessel where the training is to be done.
8. Principals on protecting the register and the data
The data is handled with care. It is carefully considered who has access to the portal, and to which data different persons have access to. All data is handled with confediality and only by the persons to whose jobdiscription it belongs to. The data protection is managed by the Novias IT-department.
9. Students right to controll the data and to demand for correction
All students whose data is in the register, have the possibility to correct the data themself. Only sailing days that have been approved can be corrected only by the coordinator. The students may ask for corretion when needed.
10. Other rights conserning use of personal information
In Aboa Mare academy the student data is kept activa as long as the student is enrolled in the academy. After their examinations their data is moved to the archive, from there the students can ask for their sailing history when in need. Only the coordination personal have access to the archive. In case the student wishes that hers/his data is removed from the archive according to the GDPR, they may apply for it in written form. The student may be asked for identification in these cases before the data is removed from the archive.